One week passed since we came here. We start getting know each other day by day. For this whole week we had so much new experiences. Firstly we had presentation about schools in denmark.We had music lessson , we sang a lot and had nice group exercices which helped us to get know each other by music.On Thursday all of our erasmus friends went for practise, we stayed at home and later we went for a walk to the city center get to know Haderslev better.On Friday we had our first Danish lessons with two girls teachers (I forgot theirs names).One of teacher brought us a cake for good beginning of our learnig, the cake was so delicous I couldn't stop eating :).Yesterday we made suprise birthday party for Gosia and Krisztina in our home.We invited all erasmus people me and Mery bought cake and put denmark flags into it with candles so it was a lot of fun.Today when I woke up i saw sun!!! for the first time in denmark it gave me a lot of strenght so I redocorated my room, make it clean and go for a walk. Now we take a rest and we keep power for next week couse we will have a lot to do!to be continoued....
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